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1-In order to Apply, see  ‘Apply’ from the left part of the website

2-In order to know about Mazandaran university fields of study, see  ‘Majors’ through this:

Programs   ---->   Majors

3-In order to see educational curriculum,see  ‘Curriculum’  through this:

Programs   --->  Degree   --->   Curriculum

4-In order to know about Undergraduate and Graduate educational information, see :

Programs   --->   Degree

5-In order to know about registration requirements, see ‘Motivation letter’, ‘CV’ and ‘Visa forms’ through this:

Admission   --->  Requirements

6-In order to see Tuition Fee,see ‘Tuition Fee’ through this:

Admission --->   Tuition Fee

7-In order to know about facilities, equipment and university rules,  see ‘Students’ .

8-In order to know about faculty members, see ‘Faculty members’ at top of the page.

9- In order to know about research centers and digital library, see ‘Research’ at top of the page.

10-In order to reserving or buying travel tickets, you can select ‘Airline’, ‘Train’ and ‘Bus’ at the middle part of the web page.

11-Mazandaran province have many sightseeing locations, so you can enjoy them through ‘Mazandaran Attractions’ part.